Why stock index trading?
- Opportunity to diversify your investment portfolio. An index share is the average of the shares of the largest companies in an industry sector.
- Trade on the most popular market index: NASDAQ, DOW JONES, S&P 500
- Available leverage
- Trading is possible in bull and bear markets
Popular indexes
Index comparison
Why 24Five?
Indexes available at 24Five
Index Australia 200 Spot
Belgium 20 Spot Index
China A50 Spot Index
Europe50 Spot Index
France 40 Spot Index
France 40 Spot Index
Greece25 (ATHEX Large Cap) Spot Index
Japan 225 Spot Index
HongKong50 Spot Index
Holland25 Spot Index
Hungary12 Spot Index
Spain35 Spot Index
Swiss20 Spot Index
Portugal20 Spot Index
Poland20 Spot Index
Norway25 Spot Index
Denmark 20 Spot Index
Finland25 (Helsinki 25) Spot Index
Sweden30 Spot Index
Nordic40 Spot Index
Germany50 Mid Cap Spot Index
The Germany50 is a market-weighted benchmark index of the 50 largest German companies that rank below the 30 companies included in the DAX index.
The index excludes companies in the technology sector and includes several well-known companies such as Hugo Boss and Airbus SE.
GerTech30 Index
The GerTech30 stock market index, or TecDAX, is a benchmark index that tracks the performance of the 30 largest technology stocks in Germany. Its constituent companies are mid-caps and the index as a whole has a market capitalization in excess of €10 billion
Germany30 Spot Index
UK Mid 250 Spot Index
UK 100 Spot Index
US 30 Spot Index
US SPX 500 Spot Index
USNASDAQ 100 (NDX) Spot Index
Indexes are financial assets that weight the market capitalization of several companies in a sector or economic region.
In other words, when you buy a share of an index, you are investing in all the companies that make up the index.
CFDs are an investment instrument, a spot derivative, without maturity that works on the basis of transactions on the prices of an underlying asset. In this case, if you invest in index CFDs, the objective will be to predict a rise or fall in the price of the index’s shares.
YES, our trading platform has a DEMO version with 10,000 USD of credit for you to practice before investing (the “money” and “profits” of the DEMO version are not REAL).